Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pero hoy NO es el día!

Have you ever had the feeling that things needed to change SOON? That if there was only one thing you could do to make everything around you better you would. Well that's what motivational speaker, Moraima Oyola, probably thought when she organized "Pero hoy NO es el día". Instead of seating on her cute behind and complain about the government or seat with friends and a bottle of wine to talk about how bad the world is turning into, she talked the talk and walked the walk. On September 2011 she organized a group called "Pero hoy NO es el día" which this past Thursday, 26th of January, marched for a better quality of life for Puerto Rico.

"Pero hoy NO es el día" which translates to "but today is NOT the day" is a movement that pretends to make a stop to criminality, corruption, abuse and all type of violence. Its objective is to gather all institutions (churches, government, companies, etc.) and the general population to move towards a better tomorrow. To let the "bad ones" know that we will not surrender and accept to live in a world where we are afraid to go out.

It is built around the foundation of promoting unity among each other in order to save the institution of family, moral values, peace in communities and security in the streets. Today, tomorrow or three weeks from now won't be the day to accept violence as a way of life. It will not be the day that we give up on our country or the world. It will not be the day that we stop believing that there's something that we can do to make the world a better place to live in. So today I scream from the top of my lungs (and I hope you are here with me so get ready for a big scream) "Hoy NO es el día que decido dejar las cosas como están. Hoy ES el día que me atrevo a hacer algo para mejorar el mundo para ti, para mi y para las generaciones futuras".*

*"Today is NOT the day that I choose to leave things as they are. Today IS the day when I'll dare to do something to make the world a better place for you, for me and for future generations." 

1 comment:

  1. Adi esta super ...te felicito ...sigue creando ,pues tienes excelente inspiracion...le pondria al blog algo de cultura ...fucion entre espana y Puerto Rico...el lechon a la brasa en Santiago de composta...
